

Minutes of previous meetings:

FOVP Open Meeting – 6 March 2012 – Minutes not available


2010 Submission to Bondway Tower Planning Inquiry

This document was submitted to a planning inquiry considering an application for permission to build a tall building which would cast a shadow over Vauxhall Park.

 2006 Master Plan

In May 2006, with London Borough of Lambeth’s generous financial support we were able to gain assistance from a Landscape Architect, Barbara Moth Dip LA, Grad Dip Cons (AA), MLI. With her help we created a Vision and Management Plan which sets out a framework of development and a detailed programme of improvements for the next 10 years, some of which has already been implemented. The Plan was agreed following extensive consultation with a variety of local groups and stakeholders.

“Our vision is that by 2016, Vauxhall Park should be a modern urban park of the highest quality, which preserves its historic character while providing a safe peaceful and varied environment for relaxation and recreation and enhancing the wellbeing of all sections of the community.”

To read in more detail about the consultation exercise that led to the plan and see some of the more detailed findings for yourself please use the following links. (Please note that some appendixes referred to in the document have been omitted as the latest version will be available on the website of the source quoted eg. Park Byelaws are available from London Borough of Lambeth’s own website):